
LaTeX with Sublime Text and LaTeXools.

1. This article is about LaTeX and Sublime Text. ABSTRACT An article illustrating the use of Sublime Text for creating complex documents, with a focus on legal briefs written in LaTeX. INDEX 1. This article is about LaTeX and Sublime Text. 2. The bad news: LaTeXTools is out of date. 3. Placeholders and Variables. 4. Multiple cursors. 5. Paste lists of documents copied from folders. 6. Create and use bookmarks. 7. Persistence of open documents. 8. Snippet for the creation of Sections. 9. A useful little “script”. 10. Compilation, viewers and other commands. 11. Conclusion. 1. This article is about LaTeX and Sublime Text. The outstanding typographic quality of LaTeX cannot be doubted. To manage complex documents in LaTeX, however, one needs to use editors that allow one to quickly perform a number of oper

Vim, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code and the multiple cursors.

1. Multiple cursors? Multi-cursors? What are we talking about? ABSTRACT Article on comparative handling of multiple cursors in Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code and Vim. 1. Multiple cursors? Multi-cursors? What are we talking about? 2. Who "invented" multiple cursors? 3. Multiple cursors in Sublime Text 3 and 4. 4. Multiple cursors in Visual Studio Code. 5. Comparison of Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code. 6. Vim and the built-in multiple editing functions. 7. Effective multi cursors also on Vim. 1. Multiple cursors? Multi-cursors? What are we talking about? What are multiple cursors? An example is worth more than many words: imagine that you have a list consisting of a hundred lines and you have to insert a certain characters, for example a pair of asterisks, at the beginning and at the en

Vim and snippet lists for UltiSnips and other plugins.

1. Preamble ABSTRACT Article about the different collections of snippets designed for different plugins of Vim and the possibility of converting from type of format to another. 1. Preamble 2. Steps for using snippets 3. Local custom snippets. 4. Honza : Why two different collections of snippets ? 5. Overview of both collections. 6. Is it possible to "mix" the snippets of the two collections? 1. Preamble In the article "Vim, UltiSnips and Honza vim-snippets: difference and management of the snippets and UltiSnips folders" I have already covered the topic of snippets and UltiSnips for Vim: This article is a refinement of the previous one, especially from the aspect of syntactic differences and the possibility of "mixing" together various code fragments from the collections of snippets . 2. Steps f

Extract a list of files from a folder and paste it into a document, in MS Windows, GNU/Linux and macOS.

ABSTRACT Article on how to copy a list of files in a folder and paste the list into an open document. The operation is performed only with resources internal to the tested operating systems, which are MS Windows, GNU/Linux (Arch, Fedora and Ubuntu) and macOS, although in the last one, only in command-line mode. 1. Topic of this article. 2. Command line solution in MS Windows. 3. Command-line solution in GNU/Linux and macOS. 4. Graphical solution in Windows with File Explorer. 5. Graphical solution in Linux with File Manager. 1. Topic of this article. Have you ever had a folder on your computer full of files and need to insert the list of those files in a page you are editing? It happens to me often for file lists to be inserted at the end of court documents. In this article, I describe a couple of solutions that I have personally tried, in the MS Window

A Python program to copy text from various PDFs and collect it into a single document in Markdown language.

1. Subject of this article. 2. Python source analysis. 3. The full source code in Python. 1. Subject of this article. The goal is to generate a simple program to collect the text contained in various PDFs generated directly from word processing programs and insert the various fragments into a single document in Markdown language by separating the fragments with second-level headings corresponding to the name of the source documents. The "hands-on" solution is to copy the text from the individual documents, one by one, and paste it into a second document. Or you could build a simple application in Python that does all the work automatically, saving an amount of time directly proportional to the number of documents to be processed. The script , generated with the help of Copilot ( because I am not a programmer), requires the installation of the PyPDF2

Markdown with Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text 4 and Visual Studio Code

Abstract: How are four generalist editors, i.e., designed to be used with a wide range of programming languages and text files, performing when writing documents in Markdown language? This is the subject of this article based on my personal experiences in using Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text 4 and Visual Studio Code both directly and with extensions dedicated to the above mentioned markup language. 1. Introduction. 2. Vim and Markdown. 2.1. Vim without plugins . 2.2. Vim with the plugin vim-markdown. 2.3. Vim with the plugin UltiSnips. 2.4. Vim and Markdown preview. 3. Emacs and Markdown. 3.1. Emacs without plugins . 3.2. Emacs with markdown-mode . 3.3. Emacs and preview in Markdown. 4. Sublime Text 4 and Markdown. 4.1. Sublime Text 4 without plugins . 4.2. Sublime Text 4 with the plugin "MarkdownEditing". 4.3. Sublime Text 4 and p