
Showing posts from June, 2016

It's easy to say TAG

What's a tag? ... Can I tag you?... What's the tag for... Tag. Tag. Tag. Everywhere in the virtual world you can find that simple word. Have you ever thought about how many meanings can have that simple word? Ie: when you say tag have you always been clear its meaning in any context? This article mentions only a few of that meanings. And it isn't a tutorial for those meanings but it's only a simple review of them. Tag in Evernote You can store many thousands of notes in Evernote. The problem is not to store the notes but to search them. Tags can really help you to navigate through your thousands of notes. Tags, in the Evernote context, are text labels superimposed to the notes. You can search the notes using a single tag, regardless of the note content. You can use multiple tag combined with booleans operators.You can also mix tags and text in your researches. Then tags are elements to elements to bring order into chaos. Fig. 2 - Tags in Evernote Tag in social network...

LaTeX vs traditional Word Processing: a challenge.

What is LaTeX? You've never heard about LaTeX? LaTeX is a powerful and awesome document preparation system based on a markup language. Yes, it's just an abstract definition and it leaves things as they are. The only way to understand LaTeX advantages compared to traditional wordprocessor systems if to try and to use it. Only using LaTeX you can understand the difference between thought and the form of thought. This article is not intended as a LaTeX tutorial; for any information you can find tons of tutorials on the web, beginning from to the LaTeX Project official site. Why LaTeX? The main reason to use LaTeX is his extraordinary efficiency connected to a simple underlying philosophy: don't worry about text formatting and concentrate yourself only on the contents. All formatting issues are managed by the system itself and absolutely in the best possible way. You have only to think about the substance of your ideas and you can, then, exponentially unleash your...