Join lines in Emacs using US International Dead Keys layout
Join-lines: Vim vs Emacs Caret or Circumflex The original keys binding An alternative binding Join-lines: Vim vs Emacs Vim has a very simple system to join two lines. all you have to do is press the J (uppercase) key inside the line above. In Emacs , instead, you must use the C-^ binding in the lower line. But the Emacs solution may seem a bit more laborious if you use a keyboard with US International Dead Keys layout in MS Windows or GNU/Linux. However, with a few small adjustments, it can become super-efficient. What follows is my solution but, of course, everyone can find another one. Caret or Circumflex First of all we need to take a look at the US International Dead Keys keyboard layout for the key corresponding to the number 6 and, in specific to the two similar characters indicated on the top of the key. You can see that on the number 6 button ...