Vim: searching for text containing a slash or a question mark
Vim: searching for text containing a slash or a question mark Vim: the search command To activate a text search in Vim, press one of the following trigger keys in your keyboard: the slash "/" key (do not confuse with the back-slash "\" key) the question mark key. By pressing the slash "/" key will activate a forward search. By pressing the question mark "/" key will activate a backward search. To move the cursor to the results in your document, press the "n" key (mnemonic for “ next ”). To invert the direction of the cursor, press the "N" key, (“upper n”) . What about if you need to search for a slash or a question mark , i.e. the same trigger characters , in your document? You can prepend the Escape character to the trigger key. The Escape character The Escape character is the back-slash key: "\" . Just an example: if you need to forward search (then with / trigger k...