Vim: copy text directly to the operating system clipboard
Cut and copy in Vim: introduction As an introduction to the topic regarding the Cut, Copy and Paste functions in Vim you can read a previous article of mine . The subject of the current article is, instead, a Vim functionality I discovered while reading this page and which is closely related to the previous topic. Vim can directly redirect cut and copy operations performed on texts to the system memory register ( clipboard ). Therefore, it is not necessary to select the text first, in order to copy it into the clipboard, as is the experience with other writing systems on digital devices. In short: you simply direct the operation (the same as normally used for the specific command) to the operating system memory ( clipboard ) (or, to be more precise to the + register). This feature saves you time when exchanging data from Vim to other applications in the operating system. Vim: examples of direct sending to system memory ( clipboard ) A few examples can make it clear. Fi...