Vim, VimTex: environments and commands in LaTeX
Vim, LaTeX and VimTex: surround commands Table of Contents 1. A smart system for writing 2. VimTex Built-in functions for environments and commands 3. Create a surround function in VimTex based upon surround.vim plugin 1. A smart system for writing Vim is a great editing tool. LaTeX is a "State of the Art" typesetting system. Vim and LaTeX together make a powerful writing system, but an add-on is needed to relate them. VimTex provides exactly that target by relating Vim to LaTeX, and it does its job very well. So Vim and VimTex is a smart system for every kind of writer in LaTeX. The topic is vast and certainly cannot be contained in a short post like this one. In this article, I simply cover functions for managing environments and commands. 2. VimTex Built-in functions for environments and commands I assume that those who use LaTeX already know the difference between commands and environments. VimTeX ha...