
Showing posts from October, 2023

Linux: rename, rename.ul, prename, perl-rename: what a confusion!

1 Summary of this article. 2 One for all: mv . 3 The rename command: this is where the problems begin! 4 How does the rename command behave that is NOT compatible with regular expressions? 5 The regular expressions compatible commands. 6 The “ sed ” command in GNU/Linux. 7 Using regular expression compatible commands. 1 Summary of this article. In this article I report some observations on how to rename documents in GNU/Linux using text commands, clarifying some differences between various distributions. The rename command does not, in fact, have unique behavior in distributions derived from Debian versus those derived from Fedora and Arch. I will try to clarify the content of different commands and the different behavior of commands that have the same name. All steps were personally tried during the writing of the article. If you find inaccuracies or errors, please let me know. 2 One for a...