
Showing posts from February, 2024

Using Visual Studio Code to write scores in LilyPond.

title: "Using Visual Studio Code to write scores in LilyPond." date: 2024-02-11 slug: vscode-lilypond categories: Blog tags: VSCode LilyPond image: placement: 3 preview_only: false caption: 'LilyPond and Visual Studio Code' Abstract: Visual Studio Code is an excellent integrated environment for writing programming codes, but can it also be used as an editor for the LilyPond language dedicated to writing music? 1. Previous articles on editors for LilyPond. 2. Original Visual Studio Code or Code - OSS? 3. Installation of the VSLilyPond extension. 4. Using VSCode with the VSLilyPond plugin as an IDE for LilyPond. 5. Concluding remarks on VSCode as an IDE For LilyPond. 1. Previous articles on editors for LilyPond. On the subject of writing musical scores using LilyPond, a markup language equivalent to