Reducing the size of single or multiple PDF documents in GNU/Linux Bash and Python
Abstract : Compression of PDF documents is a useful technique to reduce the space occupied by these files and facilitate their transmission and storage. In this article, starting from a page devoted to compressing single PDFs, I present two methods for compressing multiple PDF documents. The reference page is as follows: " Linux shell script to reduce PDF file size (simple verification required to enter) and allows you to operate on single PDFs in command-line bash code in the GNU/Linux terminal. Based on the previous one, I tried to extend the procedure to operate on multiple PDFs. In the end I present a simple application in Python with graphical interface. I admit that I asked for some help from ChatGPT and Copilot. Table of Contents: 1. The necessary condition. 2. The reference script for size reduction of individual PDFs 2.1. Script analysis and usage. 3. Derived script to operate on multiple PDFs. ...