Installing an additional Linux distribution on a computer with a double-disk SSD, UEFI interface and pre-installed Ubuntu
Installing an additional Linux distribution on a computer with a double-disk SSD, UEFI interface and pre-installed Ubuntu Table of Contents 1. The choice of the computer 2. Assembly and configuration of the additional disk 3. Installation of the operating system 4. A further step, but only in some cases: changing the boot sequence 5. Final adjustments: touchpad and resolution 5.1. The tapping enablement in the touchpad 5.2. Reduce the screen resolution 1 The choice of the computer For this test I looked for a computer having the following features: Pre-installed open source operating system Simple installation of ad additional solid-state drive Cheap price! I chose an Italian laptop branded Microtech with a little SSD M2 internal disk, (32 Gb), pre-installed OS GNU/Linux Ubuntu and slot for an additional disk under the chassis (€310,00). Figure 1: The notebook used for this article To install the additional operating sys...